Brittany Aldean

See what Brittany Aldean is up to:
“One of the most gratifying things in life to me is saving animals. Whether it be providing a home, food, water or simply helping with medical bills. Orphan pets need us and that is why Remember Me Thursday is so important. To know that you have altered the course of an innocent animal’s life by giving them a chance to live happily and healthily is one of the best things you can do. I am so excited to be the Remember Me Thursday spokesperson and cannot wait to help everyone #SeeTheLight on the importance of rescuing animals!”
2021 Official Spokesperson
Brittany Aldean is a woman of many talents. She is the wife of country music artist, Jason Aldean, a mother to beautiful babies, has two dogs and six fish. She has always been a passionate animal advocate. She has a love for all things beauty, fashion, family and life on tour. Brittany is a talented makeup artist, a former NBA dancer and contestant on American Idol, who still loves to entertain, host and perform. She recently launched her very own clip-in hair extensions line, XO Britt.